What are the benefits of Inbound Marketing ?

What are the benefits of Inbound Marketing ?

Many of today’s traditional marketers still use outbound marketing to reach their audiences. For message distribution, they use print media, radio, and TV advertisements. For lead generation, they use direct mail, cold calls, and email blasts. While these methods may have worked great in the past, by using tools like TIVO/DVR, email spam-blockers, and caller ID, consumers now can easily block messages they don’t want. Today people are in more control over how they consume media and what messages they care to hear.

Consumers still want to learn about the best products and services for their needs.

It‘s just that these days, they want to find this information on their own, most often by using the internet to conduct research and make better educated decisions about their purchases. For example, someone might peruse the blogosphere to find out about others‘ first-hand experiences with a particular product or service. Maybe that person will also search for reviews online or engage with others in social media to learn about other views and opinions.

Google is the new yellow pages.
This changing nature of consumers‘ shopping habits means that instead of continuing to push marketing messages out, effective marketers must adapt to consumers‘ new behavior by creating marketing campaigns that pull people in to their business. This strategy is called inbound marketing. Sometimes referred to now as relationship marketing.

Inbound marketers offer useful information, tools, and resources to attract people to their business and its website, while also interacting and developing relationships with consumers on the web. The three key inbound marketing tools are blogging and content creation, search engine optimization, and social media marketing.

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