What Is Your Image?

What Is Your Image?

WHAT IS YOUR IMAGE – Before diving into social media for your business or organization, you should decide what kind of image you want to portray through your various social media outlets.

Some argue that social media should be free and easy going, and marketers should take a casual approach. Others disagree and think users should maintain a more serious, buttoneddowned approach. The path you follow is up to you and your business or organization’s culture and personality. Either way, be sure to stay consistent with the brand identity you’ve established.

No matter which way you fall on the casual versus serious choice, make sure your posts sound human. After all, you’re connecting with other human beings. Social media marketing gives you a unique opportunity to humanize your brand and to show your customers, members, or prospects that there are real people behind the product or service — people just like them. Use a conversational tone and forget the professional jargon and marketing talk.

This helps people relate to your business or organization, and that goes a long way toward getting people to know, like, and trust you. When people know, like, and trust you, they are much more likely to share your message with their friends. And it’s word-of-mouth (i.e.: the network effect) that makes social media marketing such a powerful marketing strategy. Remember, social media is people sharing with people.

Additionally, you’ll want to portray yourself accurately in your social media profiles. If you’re using the company logo as your avatar, make sure it’s the most up-to-date version.

If you’re using a photo of yourself, try using one that is no more than 18 months old. Chances are good you’ll meet some of your social media followers and fans in real life, so you’ll want them to be able to recognize you.

Know Who You and Your Company Are and Portray Yourself Consistently